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Highlander: The Animated Series (1994)

In the post-apocalyptic medieval 27th century, Ramirez mentors young Quentin MacLeod who must seek pacified Immortals, gain their knowledge through a non-lethal form of Quickening, and free the land from the evil Immortal overlord Kortan.

Genres: Animation, Action, Adventure

Actors: Miklos Perlus,Benedict Campbell,Katie Zegers,Don Dickinson,Lawrence Bayne,Lorne Kennedy,Wayne Robson,Graham Haley,Stuart Stone,Hrant Alianak,François Vincentelli,Michel de Warzee,Alexandre von Sivers,Robert Guilmard,Julien Roy,Daniel Dury,Noémie Orpheli



Episode: 27 eps

Duration: 30m min

Quality: 1080p

Release: 1994

IMDb: 6.3